POWER never cedes POWER; it is violently TAKEN from POWER
Our political realm is moving WAY TOO DAMNED SLOW!
But don’t worry if you are worried about the speed of change … the speed of change is not going to be fast enough … but you’re going to worry yourself to death anyway, so go ahead and enjoy your worrying.
Just remember … POWER does not give up power without power being VIOLENTLY taken from power, ie the advocates of cryptocurrencies aint gonna overthrow the US dollar or the Fed Reserve, because that overthrow will not happen with a extremel VIOLENT fight involving something like a world war or a very painful amount of global destruction with resulting bankruptcies of most of the world’s currently powerful political and economic institutions.
POWER does not give up power without power being VIOLENTLY taken from power and that’s not the kind thing that happens with a few lines of code OR a few groups of bomb throwers. The realm of crypto can be dreadfully NAIVE … but even epic levels of naivete and delusional idealism are simply not sufficient to overthrow real power. POWER does not EVER give up power without power being VIOLENTLY taken from power … because as long as POWER still has POWER, POWER will USE its power because it only ever collected its POWER because POWER knows how to USE power.
When it comes to Big Changes in the realm political economics … Big Change does not happen until the bubble bursts on belief in power and the resultant change is so huge that NOTHING that made sense before is sufficient to withstand the collateral damage of the Big Change. The ONLY asset that really matters in the face of Big Change is the agility to ADAPT fast than anyone else can adapt.
AGILITY is always a good asset to have … even when there’s no Big Change, agility, courage and a preference for faith over material possessions are always going to EASILY trump all other assets … even though the materialist idiots will still prefer their old slavery ways; those who worry about wealth will always be so STIFF-NECKED that even God finds them worthy of destruction … it is antithetical for the materialists to ever respect agility, courage and a preference for faith over material possessions.
If you want BETTER ideas, you mostly NEED a lot more ideas
Okayish ideas competing against one another polish each other and sort out the tremendously better ideas.
We NEED more economic institutions that allow us to test a lot more ideas and test them HARD in the virtual realm.